I was talking to one of our clients awhile back…
And as so often happens for ambitious magicians, she had fallen “behind” on some of her milestones…
She was doing the thing we ALL do from time to time…
Apologizing for somehow falling behind.
I empathized because I certainly have been there.
But when she finished I asked her a question that she probably didn’t expect.
“Whose rules are you playing by?
Yeah, rules.
I asked her to think about it…
Whose rule is it that you have to get all of this done in a particular time frame?
When you think about wherever you’re stuck in your personal or business growth…
You will quickly uncover places where you are consciously or unconsciously allowing the “RULES” to run the show.
Now before I go any further …
Let me be really clear that I am all for rules and structure.
You can hear the paradox here 😉
If you want to reach a lot of people and scale your business to $50k or $100k months…
There are pieces on the chess board that just are what they are.
Transformational entrepreneurs love to get contrarian about rules…
But there are rules for copy, rules for marketing, rules for selling…
That you can’t get away from. You can’t just decide you don’t like them. Because they are psychological and baked into our very framework as human beings.
And I’m using the word “rules” very consciously because the idea of rules is very triggering to those of us who don’t like being told what to do.
Who want full self-expression.
And in some people’s frame of reference, “rules” runs counter to “soul.”
But the thing is … when you have all kinds of triggers around rules…
You will often find yourself in situations where you’re giving your power away to the “rules.”
So if we want to be powerful creators and scale our businesses to 1M+ without FOLLOWING a bunch of rules…
We have to come into RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with them.
So … what if you threw out everything you THOUGHT you had to do to get to your goal…
Because it’s ALREADY DONE.
Now, obviously to hit big goals you need discipline and focus and the day-to-day actions that you take…
But the paradox of this is that your RESULTS are never dependent on whether you do one specific thing or not.
Your results depend ENTIRELY on what you have decided to create, how much you follow what you know to be true, and how much you surrender when you are being asked to surrender.
The instant you make your success dependent on whether you’re doing it “right” or not …
Is the minute you go from being a creator and having the ability to quantum leap your results from infinite possibilities…
To collapsing those infinite possibilities into one single possibility that you’re suddenly on the hook for.
The other crazy thing about rules…
Is that in order to create extraordinarily uncommon results, you have to play by a completely different set of rules than you’re playing by now.
Believe it or not – whether you’re conscious of it or not – you HAVE been following “rules.” Rules that you set up, and rules that others have set up for you.
But if you want something different, you have to ditch all that. You have to ditch the rules you’ve BEEN playing by and come up with new rules.
Unconventional results require unconventional approaches.
And as I’ve said many, many times…
It requires hanging out in paradox.
Remember, the more you can BE with two seemingly conflicting states at the same time, the more power you have.
That’s what this is all about.
Going back to my client who was in shame about falling behind…
(This is someone who’s already at multi-six figures. But I still hear it from members of our community at all places along their journey.)
Some additional questions I asked her were:
Who says you’re falling behind?
Where is that written?
Whose rule is that?
Whose voice is telling you that you’re a failure if you didn’t get it done?
Because that’s not your voice. And it’s not your rule either.
As a creator you get to play by your own rules.
You get to choose whether you play by the rules of marketing (for example) or not.
It’s totally up to you.
Another tidbit I’m always sharing with our clients is…
You get to have it the way you want it.
I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that if someone has transformation that they want to offer and scale it to $1M there’s a way to do it.
It’s just about positioning and framing and finding the right language to connect you with the right people.
The rules I, personally play by are…
You get to have it the way you want it…
There’s always a way.
And those have always been enough for me.
Rules and structure are there to make your manifestation inevitable, not to hamstring you.
But as creator, it’s your responsibility to decide which rules come into play and when. It’s just another aspect of your creation.
So, I invite you to think about some area where you’re stuck right now.
Whose rules are you playing by?
And what’s the new rule that would make your manifestation inevitable?