For Coaches, Healers and Transformational Leaders who are Ready To Scale…
We’re Revealing How ONE “7-Figure Offer™” Can Fill Your $20k Programs Without Sales Calls & Cut Your Marketing Time in Half.
A FREE Mini-Workshop
with Elizabeth Purvis, CEO of 7-Figure Goddess®
Get Instant Access to the
7-Figure Offer™ Workshop
Have you ever wished that… instead of doing alllll that marketing to get a few peeps in your $15k-$50k programs… (live events, webinars to a sales call, 5-day challenges, live launches)….
… you could get paid to enroll the most awesome, perfect-for-you $20k+ clients who are ready to say YES?
NOT from $47 “teeny offers”…
Or low-end courses…. (as IF that’s gonna cover your expenses)…
We mean paydays of $10k – $50k, simply to attract & serve Next Level Clients who are READY for your $15k-$50k group coaching and mastermind programs.
Our clients do it ALL day long…
If you’re open to the possibility… we’d love to help YOU get started doing the same.
Your 7-Figure Offer™:
Serve Your Peeps with A “Front Door” Offer
That Sells Your $20k+ Programs FOR You…
Without Webinars, Launches, or Sales Calls
A free mini-workshop with
With Elizabeth Purvis
In this virtual mini workshop, you’ll discover…
Exactly what makes a high-end offer so HOT, you can sell it without webinars, launches or sales calls (regardless of price – yep, even for $50k’s)
Our simple formula for your 7-Figure Offer™ – a short, easy-to-sell high-ticket offer that fills your pipeline with Next Level Clients for your $20k+ 1-1’s, group coaching and masterminds… and pre-enrolls them for you
The #1 way to practically guarantee that a client will sign up for those longer-term, ultra-premium offerings (you’re gonna LOOOOVE this “power move” that turns pushy marketing on its head)
Exactly what to set up in your business so you can enroll Next Level Clients, anytime you choose – no matter WHAT the economy is doing

PLUS, we’ll show you how to use a 7-Figure Offer™
to sign up $20k+ clients over Messenger,
in 10 minutes or less.
Some of our clients have gone from… $80k to $400k… $100k to $500k… $300k to $750k… and $300k to a millie… by trading webinars, funnels, ads, “live launches” and all the things we’re all told we “MUST” do… for a 7-Figure Offer™.
7-Figure Offers Are How You SELL at the $20k+Level… WITHOUT “Selling.”
(or having “marketing” as a second full-time job.)
Are You Ready For A Simpler, More Ease-ful Way to Fill Your Programs?
Here’s a taste of what’s possible with a
7-Figure Offer™…
(a.k.a. actual client results)
“I let go of 40 sales calls per month….”
7-Figure Offer™ magic helped me let go of 40 sales calls per month – an entire week of time per month that that I was spending on sales calls. It absolutely blew my mind. We are rinse and repeating the same system now.
Louisa Havers
“I let go of ‘Plan B’…”
It’s all about the offer. I let go of ‘Plan B’ to do my Highest Level work. And now 30-50% of clients ask ‘What’s next?’ – before our program completes.
Lisa Bogle
“50 new clients! And more since then…”
Elizabeth gave us a model where I could offer anything, anytime, WITHOUT a big live event. We will always do events, you know, it’s our thing… but this has been a bit of insurance, you could say! And we use the ‘invite letter’ format for all our sales letters now… because it’s expansive, respectful… and it works.
Rachael Jayne Groover
“Overfilled my program with Highest Level Clients…”
7-Figure Offers showed me that my ideal clients, my Highest Level Clients, are already in my community. I over-filled my program after rebooting my business, without a complicated launch or sales calls.
Lena Valmore
“Leapt into $50k months…”
My first 7-Figure Offer™ sold out. It blew my mind to see the bigger players in the industry stepping in with me! Before, I was stuck at $5k-$10k months. By the end of the year, I leapt to $466,000. I finally hit those $50k+ months… and it has gone way, way up from there.
Lexi D’Angelo
“7-Figure Offers helped us double our rates.”
And now, potential clients show up on calls (we still do them!) ready to buy.
Tamika Auwai
“Cut my ‘marketing time’ waaaay down…”
I had my first six figure ‘unLaunch’….attracting dream Next Level clients. I remember Elizabeth saying ‘life will never be the same’… and she was right! I have a lifestyle. I can’t work all the time. My body and nervous system just won’t allow it. With 7-Figure Offers, I found a way to make it work, to have it how I want it.
Stephania Sciamano
“It’s absolutely possible to trade all the ‘doing’ of selling for attracting dream clients and closing via PDF.”
My first 7-Figure Offer™ created $10k banked in two weeks. We use the skills all the time! One of our recent “unLaunches” did $135k with NO ads. Just me teaching, and the invite letter.
Kim Coles (Actress, Comedienne, Coach)
We Put This Virtual Workshop Together For You For ONE Reason…
We believe that as a high-performing transformational leader – a conscious expert, master coach, healer, teacher – and you’re already at 6-figures in your business… your time is better spent LEADING your clients, rather than sinking months and years into launches, funnels, and sales calls.
We also believe that MAGICIANS – the consciousness-raising Leaders – should be making more than most doctors – because YOUR role in humanity is just as important and impactful.
So over the past 4 years we’ve been perfecting a system where you can get PAID high-end fees to fill your pipeline with perfect fit $20k+ clients… who SIGN UP.
Without sales calls. Using emails and social media posts ALONE.
We’ve sold millions this way. So have our clients.
In this mini-workshop, we’ll show you how we do it… and help you get started.

“I’m ready to fill my $20k+ programs without webinars, launches, or getting on the phone.”
Let’s do it…

Your Host
CEO, 7-Figure Goddess®
Elizabeth Purvis is the premier offers and messaging strategist for high-achieving transformational leaders ready to scale to 7-figures and beyond.
She is the creator of 7-Figure Goddess®, where her specialty is leading experienced coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Highest Level and scale their businesses on demand…. without webinars, launches, or sales calls.
Elizabeth combines her in-depth expertise in offers and messaging strategy with her two decades of metaphysical practice to empower her clients to manifest their biggest, boldest money and lifestyle goals while delivering their soul-purpose work. Her client’s phenomenal, real-world results are known and unparalleled in the industry.