by ElizabethFeminineMagic | Sep 13, 2019 | Achievement, Desire
If you’re playing the manifesting game, chances are you’re looking for it to be easy. No judgment here – “easy” can be a great thing! And it can, indeed, be easy. Manifesting was designed to be easy. However, our brains are not always on board to make things...
by ElizabethFeminineMagic | Sep 6, 2019 | Achievement, Confidence, Desire, Feminine Magic®
Once upon a time. I knew this girl. Let’s call her Ellen. Ellen was one of those girls who everybody loved. As was the case with girls that everybody loved, I spent many moments trying to unpack what made her so special. Because that’s what you do when you’re an...
by ElizabethFeminineMagic | May 16, 2019 | Achievement, Desire, Manifestation, Mindset, Success
Have you ever wanted to go for something really BIG in your life – like, next level, quantum leap kind of BIG (doubling your results in your next program, tripling your fees, saving money for your next level home, etc)… … and found yourself holding back, because...
by ElizabethFeminineMagic | Jan 24, 2019 | Achievement, Desire, Manifestation, Popular
Recently, one of our clients was frustrated because her manifesting goals weren’t showing up fast enough. After some processing, she concluded that she and the Divine must not be on the same timeline. “I’m just going to let go and allow Divine timing to unfold,” she...
by ElizabethFeminineMagic | Dec 23, 2018 | Desire, Feminine Magic®, Magical Practice, Manifestation
I’ve always loved this holiday quote from the late Wayne Dyer… ‘Tis the season when we really need a moment of silence. It’s also the season when we really have to work to make sure we get one. At a time we traditionally devote to loving, giving, and gratitude, the...
by ElizabethFeminineMagic | Dec 21, 2018 | Desire, Manifestation
Are you frustrated because those manifesting goals are just NOT happening? Do you go for what seem to be “easy” Desires, and then… nothing? I feel you. The #1 question I hear when it comes to manifesting is some form of… “why is it NOT working?” Here’s the good...