Over the last few weeks, I’ve shared several of my best practices and teachings for upleveling your money mindset and increasing your income. We covered some powerful coaching questions to help you create a money leap, and then I shared my top money beliefs to reach your goals. Now it is time to check out my top money rituals.

So far, so good. But want to know the real secret to manifestation?

Aligned action.

How you show up with money has everything to do with how much you make and keep. Your habits create your reality. So this week I’m happy to share ten of my favorite money rituals.

Why “money rituals”?

As a priestess, of course I’m big on rituals. I love the intentional action, the connection to Divine and, of course, the magic that results. There is no more powerful way to shift one’s consciousness than through intentional ritual.

I say “intentional” very, well, intentionally, because while we all have rituals (habits is another word for them), most of them are unconscious.   Especially around money.

The bills paid late – or never opened. The purchases made on autopilot.   The unawareness around current balances. For women especially, unconsciousness around money masks feelings of unworthiness, deep shame and more.

And how does all that money neglect show up in the outer world?   As with any relationship, your relationship with money needs attention in order to thrive.   Money not attended to will NOT stick around!

When the money drama starts, most women think that the solution is to just make more money. But until you start giving money loving, conscious attention, any money you make will right out the door again.

The solution? Money Rituals: simple, intentional, habitual actions to bring you out of unconsciousness and into a loving, supportive relationship with your money.

Here are my top Money Rituals that can powerfully impact the flow of money in your life, through consistent, deliberate and loving attention.

These are simple enough for anyone to start right away; however, if you want more advanced money rituals that place you into the realm of thinking and acting like a profitable business owner, I highly recommend the book Profit First by Mike Michalowicz – it’s a game-changer!

  1. Track all of the money that comes in.  (Daily) – The guideline here is that it all counts. Whether it’s your spouse’s income, a gift, a surprise savings on something, it’s ALL money coming into your life and needs to be included.
  2. Track all of your expenses. (Daily) – You need to know what’s going out, and this can also help you spot patterns that you may decide you want to shift.
  3. File your bills (Daily) – Don’t leave them lying around! This creates money clutter, which blocks the flow and space through which money can come in.
  4. Pay yourself first (Weekly) – This is mission critical, even if it’s just a small amount to start. Decide on an amount and frequency, whether it’s weekly or biweekly, that you can meet consistently and just do it!
  5. Review your bills (Weekly) Before you pay, make sure they’re correct.
  6. Review bank balances and credit card balances (Weekly)
  7. Pay your bills (Twice a Month) – Many women feel dread around this.  Instead, I invite you to make a ritual out of it. Bless the money, bless the service/experience/value/items that you received in exchange for your money, and most of all, allow yourself to feel gratitude that it’s in your life.
  8. Balance your checking accounts (Monthly)
  9. Check in with taxes (Monthly) – Keep a current estimate of your income to determine if you need to set money aside.
  10. Check in on your Lifestyle Money Goal, or set a new goal (Monthly) –How much money do you need to be bringing in to support your essential needs and allow you to enjoy the life you desire? Set money goals and hold yourself accountable to them through aligned action.

These actions can feel extremely uncomfortable at first – usually because there is some shame underneath. Be courageous and stick with these practices. They will get easier over time, and you’ll be amazed at what a difference these simple actions make in the amount of money you’ll make, keep and enjoy in your life.

At the end of the day, your relationship with money is really a reflection of your relationship with yourself. And that always deserves loving attention. What have you learned from this message? Let me know in the comments or hop onto our Facebook Page  – and let me know what Goddess Wink®’s dropped in as you read this!

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