Welcome to 7-Figure Goddess®
Hey Goddess
We’re so glad you’re here!
You started your business to make great money with your magic (coaching, healing, channeling, teaching, etc.) and to serve at your Highest Level.
Now… you’re being called to MORE: to add a couple of “zeros” to your income ($200k to high multi 6 figures to $1M), double your time off, claim your place as a thought leader… or maybe all of the above.
Problem is, the endless hustle isn’t working like it used to.
All the “marketing stuff” – webinars, launches, “tiny offers,” funnels – are sucking up hours, weeks, months of your life.
And coaching people through their money blocks on sales calls?
You’re over it.
We feel you!
We believe that magicians like you – the experienced coaches, healers, and teachers who use transformational work to shift consciousness – are answering a Divine Call to usher in a new way of BE-ing for our planet.
We’re committed to helping at least 1000 transformational leaders make EPIC money from your Highest Level work – multi-six-figures or even 7-figures or more, with most of that in profit (as in take-home-money in the bank)…
…WITHOUT marketing becoming a second full-time job.
And, all within a Collective of high-performing, rock star Leaders just like you, who are living life to the fullest on their terms.
We’re here to help you scale your business to $50k-$100k months ($500k-$1m+ annual revenue) by enrolling your Next Level Clients into a 7-Figure Offer…
…so you can simplify your marketing efforts AND fill your high-end programs with perfect-for-you clients without getting on the phone.
Just imagine:
- Getting more hands raised for your programs every time you post
- Having Next Level clients reaching out to you
- Enjoying predictable, consistent, $50k-$100k months banked in advance
- Taking back 10-40+ hours each month by getting off of Zoom sales calls (and quickly selling over Messenger instead)
- Leading from the highest expression of who you BE – your Divine Nature
- Embodying the Frequency of a High Level Leader who makes significant income leaps while expertly moving through resistance
You’re being called to your
Highest Level of Income and Impact.
You already know how to work hard, and you’re ready
for your success to FLOW, rather than be a constant hard push.
We’re here to show you how.
Love & Magic,
and the 7-Figure Goddess® team

Ready to Get Started?
Wish you could GET PAID to enroll the most awesome, perfect-for-you clients
who are ready to say YES?
Reserve your spot for:
Your 7-Figure Offer
Create A “Front Door” Offer That Sells Your $20k+ Programs FOR You…
Without Webinars, Launches, or Sales Calls.
On Your Way to 6-Figures…
And Beyond?
Manifest your biggest business goals in 30 days or less – including those $10k-$20k months. 😉
THE manifesting system for coaches and healers who are ready for consistent clients and cash.

Are you an established Leader who is ready to get more hands raised by Next Level Clients AND easily enroll them WITHOUT getting on the phone?
In HLT, you’ll learn our proven system to easily enroll peeps into your “front door” program without expensive launches, complicated webinar funnels, or Zoom calls.
Your first step – sign up to learn how to create your first 7-Figure Offer…
…an offer that generates CASH while creating a pipeline to fill your $20k+ group and 1:1 programs FOR YOU.
Already at 6 figures and ready for 50k-100k months (banked in advance)?
In HLLC, we give you a clear path to scale your business to $500k-$1m in annual revenue using the simplest and most efficient marketing and sales methods available.
You’ll create (or optimize) your offers and messaging to do the heavy lifting FOR you, cutting your marketing and sales time by a third, half, or more (taking back 10-40+ hours of your life every month).

Create your 7-Figure Offer
Learn how one “front door” offer can sell your $20k+ programs FOR you…without webinars, launches, or sales calls