We’re In It For The
Our Leaders create extraordinary results by removing excuses and taking bold action toward their Highest Level goals. Get ready to be inspired by all they’ve achieved in our programs.
“When I joined HLLC, I was at $291k. Two years later, we ended the year at $1,338,000. We are set to more than double that this year – truly, a “collapsing of time.”
Along the way, I have upleveled in many ways, things I never expected when I stepped into the program. Elizabeth creates beautiful containers to grow as a leader.”
Founder, Cash Flow CEO
“50 new clients! And more since then…
Elizabeth introduced us to a completely different way of selling…without a live event.
It was a $2000 offer, and I had hoped for 30. We got 50 and rolled some of those people into working with us further. We continued to offer the program because people loved it! Shortly after, I used Elizabeth’s model again to create our next offer.”
Founder and CEO, The Awakened School
“One of our recent “unLaunches” did $135k with NO ads. Just me teaching, and the invite letter.
My first 7-Figure Offer™ created $10k banked in two weeks.
Elizabeth and her team showed me that it’s absolutely possible to trade all of the ‘doing’ of selling for attracting dream clients and closing via PDF. We use the skills all the time!”
Actress, Comedienne, Coach
Radiant KimUnity
“Overfilled my program with Highest Level Clients…
Making a 7-Figure Offer™ with Elizabeth’s offer principles showed me that my ideal clients, my Next Level Clients, are already in my community.
I over-filled my program with those clients after rebooting my business without a complicated launch or sales calls. “
“By the end of my year in HLLC, we nearly doubled our revenue…And we hit $1m the year after that.
Elizabeth, you really helped me SEE my magic in a way that I never have before!
Before joining the Highest Level Leader Collective, I’d really hit my upper limit. I’d hit that multi-six-figures ($250k something like that)… but I wasn’t really serving my Next Level, dream clients. Something was off, but I couldn’t see what it was…
When I reached out to you, you saw it immediately. You said, ‘Joy, this is an OFFERS problem.’
It was game-changing. I’d never thought of offers as the thing to focus on, but after that… momentum! My Next Level clients started reaching out… and saying YES.
Selling $20k programs in Messenger when the offer is doing the heavy lifting – it’s a game changer. I went from having 20 calls a month, to NO calls per month… while signing up clients for our bigger, 9-month program.
My first 5 years in business, I’d never made more than $20k. Picking a simple business model and sticking with it enabled me to take off very, very quickly. “
Creator, Simplify to Multiply®
“In HLLC, I had my first six figure ‘unLaunch’….attracting dream Next Level clients.”
Finally! Elizabeth helped me bring the HEALTH (I’m a licensed naturopathic doctor) and the WEALTH (my passion) and the magic together… all in one program.
I remember Elizabeth saying, ‘life will never be the same,’… and she was right!
The other coaches I’d worked with thought I needed to pick one or the other, for ‘clarity’… but you said not only could it be done, it can be done exceptionally WELL.
Once she said that I got voracious. Like… ‘I’m going to nail this thing’! And it had to feel hot and sexy in my system or forget it.
Along the way, I was able to raise my prices with ease and really hold the value of the results that they were experiencing…
I have a lifestyle. I can’t work all the time. My body and nervous system just won’t allow it. In HLLC, I found a way to make it work, to have it how I want it.”
DR. Stephania Sciamano AKA “Dr. S”
Creator of Wealth Body Method
“We doubled our business while creating a brand new business from scratch. And now we’re set to double it again.”
“I was looking for a coach who could help me go to the next level and was aligned with my values.
When I stepped in, everything was coming to a close… the pandemic had just started, and ALL of our business came from speaking! I love speaking, but there had to be another way. Pandemic or no, I was ready for a change.
We had one very successful program that helped clients get to 6 figures. It was time to go beyond that. My next level body of work was ready to be birthed, to our Next Level Clients.
Elizabeth, you are so masterful at copy, you have a way of teaching that makes it really easy.
Even more, you hold the space of possibility and belief. You were like, ‘Of course it’s going to work, because of course.’ You are so magical at shifting the belief quickly, then holding the space for your clients to catch up.
The program we created, the 2X Intensive, has become our signature program that fills our deep dive program, the CEO Table, which serves 30+ people at a time.
When people hear about our programs, they feel connected, rather than “persuaded.” It is so gratifying to reach people this way. When they choose to continue, we have a natural next step.
We doubled our business while creating a brand new business from scratch. And now we’re set to double it again.”
Ursula Mentjes
CEO, Ursula Inc, Creator of Quantum Revenue Expansion
“Leapt into $50k months…”
“I was in the middle of a big pivot… and I was just stuck at $5k-$10k months. I said yes to Elizabeth because I knew it was time to get my real work into the world.
Elizabeth set us up for wins right from the start, with this amazing initiatory energy… which was great because I’m NOT a patient person!
My first 7-Figure Offer™ sold out. It blew my mind to see the bigger players in the industry stepping in with me!
By the end of the year, I had leaped to $466,000. I finally hit those $50k+ months… and it has just gone up from there.
Plus, the group of people that Elizabeth curates are SUCH “possibility expanders.” I exceeded every vision I had for myself and more. “
Lexi D’Angelo
FOUNDER, Tabwoo™ Institute of Magic + Mastery
HLT and HLLC members are serving their Highest Level Clients AND selling out their programs
without hours of sales calls or clunky webinar funnels.
“Elizabeth’s ‘offer magic’ helped me let go of 40 sales calls per month…
…an entire week of time per month that I was spending on sales calls.
It absolutely blew my mind. We are rinsing and repeating the same system now.
Founder, The Wealth Portal
“Elizabeth’s 7-Figure Offer™ principles helped us double our rates.
We give the invite letter before every call…
…and now potential clients show up on calls (yes, we still do them!) ready to buy. “
Founder, Orisha Creative
“In HLT, I ran my front door (7-Figure Offer™) and was over 6 figures with JUST that offer in 12 months…
…AND I had clients asking what’s next??
My clients are flying in from my front door program and moving right into the next offering.”
Founder, Shandara
“Elizabeth is a master at offers and messaging. What I like most about this process is that it’s been low drama. I’ve enrolled most of my clients via email!
There’s been an energetic shift from “making sales calls and answering objections” mode to just setting the table and welcoming people if it’s a good fit.”
Founder, Julie Wolk Coaching
for 10 years and counting
More success stories from past programs
“I signed up 4 new clients for a total of $12K and manifested another $15K from my 2nd online summit — all in the same month! Then another $30K from group programs.”
Before working with Elizabeth, I had learned to grow my list and client base through online summits and was able to quit my job in Finance, but I couldn’t continue the forward momentum. Aligned ideas weren’t flowing and I couldn’t get anything off the ground.
When I received access to The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting I was blown away by the truth of Elizabeth’s teachings in the modules. It was all in alignment with the indigenous and nature-based wisdom that my business and personal philosophy are built upon, and Elizabeth makes these ideas very easy to integrate into your daily practices so I felt right at home.
Working with these principles and practices has launched my work to the next level and opened up all sorts of abundance.
I successfully enrolled four new clients at $12,500 earlier this year, launched two group programs at almost $30K combined and hosted my second online summit which manifested approximately $15K. The shift in my offerings has allowed me to spend even more time with my family doing the things that I love… all while I’m earning more money
A million thanks to Elizabeth for the brilliance and wisdom she shares in The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting. I now have a much deeper understanding of the vibrational energy needed to manifest consistent financial abundance into my life, and know exactly how to activate it!
Jocelyn Mercado
Founder of Sacred Planet
Transformational Life & Business Coach
“My money house is completely in order, my income has tripled, and both my businesses are bursting at the seams!”
When I began working with Elizabeth I wasn’t new to coaching but I had just begun wrapping my head around high-end clients.
I knew I was meant to offer deeper transformations but there was a disconnect between the value of my gifts and commanding those ‘big numbers’ as fees. I needed a safe space to raise my money thermostat and to claim my worth. Once I said yes (without even really knowing what I was saying yes to), amazing results have been manifesting faster than I ever imagined. Within Elizabeth’s perfect combination of mindset, magic, and business coaching, I’ve worked with over 75 clients in the past six months and I’m launching a brand new online program very soon.
Though my calendar is bursting at times, I still feel totally relaxed because I’m in such a supportive container. Those little “nigglies” of lack may whisper to me but I simply remind them that I can manifest as much money and time as I want whenever I jolly well please.
It’s crazy to think that if I had said no to my intuition, I would have closed the door on one of the biggest opportunities of my career…
Instead, I am so thrilled to be celebrating an abundance of money and opportunities flowing to me and finally getting it into my bones that I don’t have to work so hard to be wildly successful.
Halle Eavelyn
Transformational Coach, Speaker & Author
“I booked more business in the first 2 months of this year than all of last year combined.”
When I started working with Elizabeth I wasn’t clear on how to scale my business and I wasn’t consciously plugged into the Divine.
I was ready for more… yet I was limited by my own thinking of what was possible.
Elizabeth, in a few pointed conversations, blew open the gates of possibility for me.
She saw me at my highest potential and helped me to consistently hold a higher vision of what I wanted…even during my most vulnerable, losing-faith, crazy moments.
Elizabeth taught me, without question, the power of DESIRE and she showed me how to claim it, channel it, and use it to manifest what I truly want. She modeled clear energetics, always being transparent and sharing deeply from all her experience and knowledge.
As a result of our work together, I’ve now booked more business in the first two months of this year than all last year combined… and it continues to get better and better.
I’ve finally stepped into being who I truly AM… the powerful coach Elizabeth always saw me to be. Now I’m thrilled to help my clients make the quantum leaps they desire in their own businesses too.
You recently said, “I see you BEING one of the top money manifesting mentors out there.” When this becomes true, will we both wink and nod and know exactly how it came to pass.
I am so honored to have been called to work with you, Elizabeth. I will always think of this year as the real beginning of stepping into my power. I thank you, deeply. Ever grateful.
Amira Alvarez
Quantum Leap Coaching
“My income tripled and I manifested the freedom to work remotely while adventuring in Bali & Europe.”
I was ready to stop trading dollars for hours as a practitioner and to leverage my time through online programs and high end mentoring … I just wasn’t sure how to do it.
I needed to learn some practical business tools but I also needed a major upgrade into the consciousness of a 6- & 7- figure business owner.
Mentoring with Elizabeth, I received a gold-mine of strategy, mindset, and magical tools that truly served me in manifesting time freedom and income leaps.
I also learned first hand how to BE an abundant and discerning Creatrix with a feminine leader mindset calibrated to abundance. Elizabeth consistently models an integrated approach to consciously creating her life & business – the same feminine leadership energy that attracted me to her work.
While working with Elizabeth, my income tripled (I went from charging a few hundred per session to receiving to a few thousand per client in the first month). From there I manifested aligned & lucrative joint venture partnerships and I created the freedom to live and work in Bali and Europe.
Today my business continues to expand with even more ease and creates space for me to travel more.
Elizabeth’s training to money, magic, and business was critical in receiving the business and lifestyle I had been yearning for. This has been a truly transformative journey!
Jenna Ward
Embodiment Mentor & Founder of The Embodied Woman Online Program
“I have two VIP Day clients and three 6-month clients who are prepping to begin their healing journey.
This happened, by the way, simply by making a decision to step into my true value level of pricing. I am getting more ‘yes-es’ with my higher investment levels than when they were lower. Once I stepped into my power, my ideal peeps were able to recognize the ‘true me.’ This was invaluable.
I was surprised at how fast I would raise my rates.
GBS will forever impact my business and life. From how I handle speaking to potential clients to holding space for their breakthrough to how I value myself and my services. I’m grateful every day for the ability to stay in my power WHILE helping someone else stay in theirs.”
Dr. Stacey Mobley
Integrative Doctor for Go-Getter Women
“I manifested back my initial investment in the first month, blew my bold money goal out of the water in the second month…now 5 figure months are a standard in my mind and bank account.”
I had so much knowledge and a BIG burning desire to serve, but I was also in major overwhelm.
I couldn’t seem to wade through the practical steps required to get to my next level and I wasn’t sure how to manifest the types of clients I really wanted.
Elizabeth helped me claim my worth as an expert and play in bigger arena while learning to master manifestation in my business. Activating my Feminine Magic® I’ve been able to tap into knowledge and skills that I had somehow forgotten to weave into my business and it’s making all the difference.
As a result, I have created my signature program, stepped into an even greater role as a divine feminine leader, and developed the unshakeable knowing that anything is possible when you take action rooted in your spiritual truth.
I no longer play small in my business. I don’t accept ‘less than fees’ and I don’t accept a ‘less than’ version of myself.
I manifest the clients I desire to work with and I have a clear plan for expansion that’s truly aligned with who I am and who I’m here to serve.
None of this would be possible if Elizabeth hadn’t helped me to activate this new version of myself.
If you truly believe that what you desire is possible, Elizabeth is the mentor that can help you activate, claim, and call it in…All you have to do say YES.
Kelly Valentine
Transformational Mentor for Women
Founder of the Whole Women Movement
“Not only did I reach my 5 Figure financial goal with ease… I also created an easy, fun and reliable process to manifest that amount over and over again.”
Working with the 30-Day Manifesting Game Plan, following inspiration, and taking fast, aligned action, I started a meetup group that had 100 women in 10 days and 25 women at our first meeting! From there I started doing mini-retreats in my home that consistently bring in ideal, high paying clients.
Not only did I reach the financial goal I set, but I also created opportunities for other women to connect, plus manifested an easy and reliable way to grow my network and create consistent cash flow while helping my ideal clients experience amazing healing and transformation. I am now on my way to my first $20,000 month!
Thank you, Elizabeth for being a catalyst for these wonderful changes!
Michelle Wilson, MA LMHC
Owner, Inner Oasis Counseling & Coaching
“I’ve manifested consistent clients, the sale of my lake house that had been on the market for ages and now we’re vacationing at a gorgeous home in the mountains!”
Prior to working with Feminine Magic®, I was ready to take my manifesting skills to the next level. I was pretty good at manifesting some things but had trouble calling in specific things, especially money. I didn’t have a steady monthly income and was always struggling between feast and famine.
When I enrolled in The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting, I instantly felt a shift in my energy. BE-ing in this new vibration has helped me consciously create and attract incredible results.
I’m thrilled to celebrate that my client flow, and therefore, my monthly income, are now consistent. My lake house sold even though it had been on the market for years. And I recently manifested a gorgeous vacation home in the mountains for the summer.
Today I feel fulfilled. I plan to continue using Elizabeth’s teachings and our private Facebook community to help me manage my energy and consciously create at Will.
Beatrice Lugano
Creative Consultant at BeatriceLugano.com
“$30k in one day…and it was easy, light and joyful!”
Through working with Elizabeth and the principles of Feminine Magic®, I truly got–deep in my body–that how I’m being affects my business just as much (or more than!) the external actions I take. I learned how to shift my energy to get out of the constant ups and downs. Once I made this shift, the effect was huge: My whole approach to my business transformed. I made $30K in one day–and it was easy, light, and joyful!
I know now how simple it can be to reach my goals. Instead of scattering my energy on a “to do” list that’s ten miles long, I am focused on the big steps–the game-changers that will make a dramatic difference for my business and life. I’m writing a book on how sacred play can help people find and fulfill their visions, and I’m getting my message into the world in a bigger way.
And of course, there are other benefits: my home is more beautiful, I get more sleep, and I bring more of my brilliance to my clients. (Their results have gone to a new level as well–they are bringing their creative visions to life and making more money than ever before!)
I’m grateful and excited for all that’s to come!
Emmeline Chang
Founder, The JoyFULL Path
“I manifested what I thought was my last Desire…”
For quite some time I had followed Elizabeth’s posts about her rituals and the way she naturally uses magic in her business. I wanted to do it more myself. So in 2015 (last year), I decided to integrate magic into my business and life.
As a result, I manifested more money than ever before, not only through my clients and programs, but also through opening to other revenue streams. I’ve seen big amounts of money coming my way, new ideal clients, new ways of opening myself to manifesting abundance and harmony in my team, and building a community of people who come to me because I help them add magic in their business and lives as well.
And I manifested what I thought would be my last Desire: my Dream Home, my little Paradise on Earth… and be a millionaire.
All of this began with Elizabeth’s Feminine Magic® program. When I need more of it, I connect to Elizabeth for her grounded ways of doing business like a Goddess.
Marcelle della Faille
“Earning amazing income while working less…”
Now I’ve transitioned to a different way of working that than enables me to create amazing income while actually working a lot less. I turned my Moon Goddess fertility-enhancing yoga & meditation practice into a digital product that creates passive income. My private fees are 3x what I used to charge, and I have clients from as far away as Sweden who happily pay to work with me because I am the author of my own signature system.
Now I’m crystal clear on who I’m talking to and what problem I’m solving. I also know what it takes to create revenue and I keep implementing the strategies I learned in Goddess Business School® over and over to create consistent results. It has really given me a clear focus, as well as the step-by-step roadmap for where I needed to go next in my business.
Zahra Haji
“Dang, that Goddess knows how to manifest!”
Since working with Elizabeth, I have written an international best-selling book, manifested several high-visibility speaking opportunities, partnered with some incredible coaches, and am connecting with an on-going stream of clients who honor and pay me well for my intuitive wisdom because “I get them.” But more importantly, because of this work of Feminine Magic®, I GET ME.
If you’re wondering how to bring your best self forward (and not go down the rabbit hole in the process), Elizabeth helps you tune in to receiving what is already inside of you waiting to be expressed. Ready to shift the way you live in the world? I’m not saying Elizabeth has the Universe on speed dial, but dang, that goddess knows how to manifest!
Linda Bard
“I’m on my way to 7-figures… amazing.”
The first time I heard Elizabeth speak, I said to myself: ‘Whoa – who IS this woman? She talks how-to business strategy and mindset techniques grounded in Essence in a way I have never heard before.’
I instantly signed up for her 90-day program, and thanks to the clear steps AND amazing mindset tools based in metaphysics, Feminine Magic® and grounded Essence, I was able to ease-fully and joyfully create my first high-end program: The Rich and Satisfying Relationship Blueprint AND earn $20,000 during its launch week.
Now, I’m in her high-end mastermind, where her leadership and her dedication to easeful abundance, embodied feminine power and radiant self-mastery allowed me to release any old money blocks and heal my “I’m too much – just shut up” story – in the first month.
I am on my way to 7-figures AND feeling clear, on fire with passion, and standing in my heart-centered purpose. I am grateful for Elizabeth’s unique combination of business savvy and metaphysical teachings that ensure I am standing in my Goddess Nature every darn day and modeling that to my clients, my community and my family. Amazing.
Shasta Townsend
“Joining GBS is the sole reason I made it as a full-time coach.”
Before joining Goddess Business School®, I was a part-time coach while in corporate America for over 25 years earning nearly 6-figures. When I was liberated from my full-time gig in late 2013, I joined GBS in 2014. This was the best decision I made AND is the sole reason I’m still self-employed as a full-time coach to this day. Everyone said you’re not going to make a profit in your first year – I did.
With what I learned in GBS, I was able to earn over 60% of my corporate income back. The step-by-step process gave me the necessary knowledge and structure needed to have powerful sales conversations and follow-ups that produced my first $10,000 month in my 6-months in the GBS program.
I also went from a 5% conversation rate in my sales conversations to a consistent 33%. Learning to create packages and programs allowed me to frame my offerings to potential clients in a clear and concise manner. This was a critical element in motivating potential clients to say “Yes”.
Perhaps the biggest shifts have been in my mindset, charging what I‘m worth, and cleaning up money leaks in my business. Every time I’ve plugged my money leaks, money shoes up in the form of new clients!
Now I have a pipeline and structure to consistently attract high-paying clients. I have clear monthly money goals and a process to deliver sustained income. I’ve now hired a Virtual Assistant and I’m building my team for sustained growth. I’m growing my brand and becoming known for my seduction and intimacy coaching, which has allowed me to evolve my program offerings.
Stacey Murphy
“In a little over 3 months I changed my entire life… I’m a completely different person now!”
Before working with Elizabeth, everything for me was a struggle. I was working so hard…and I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy with my life or what I was doing.
I wanted something different and eventually I just got tired of living in toleration.
But… I was looking for more than just business help. It was more like I needed a lifestyle change. I just didn’t know “how”.
In my search I was instantly drawn to Elizabeth… She was there to show me a different path, opening me up to possibilities I didn’t even know existed for me.
Feminine Magic® isn’t about just business… It can be applied to your whole life.
In a little over 3 months I quit my consulting career of 7 years, I sold my house, I moved 5.5 hours away, I got a new job in a new industry I’ve never worked in before, and I bought a new house.
I didn’t understand how unhappy I was until I arrived at how happy I am now.
I am a completely different person now.
And the best part is, I’ve done this once…so now I can do it again and again.
Feminine Magic® has changed my life. I’m so thankful.
Jenny Kerr
“I got crystal clear on what I really wanted on all fronts.”
I knew I could manifest little things but I never really believed I could manifest big things in my life just as easily.
That said, I totally knew it was possible which meant that what I really needed to do grow my faith. I just wanted the “how” properly laid out for me.
I kept checking out all these spirituality and manifesting groups but it always felt like I was just getting little bits and pieces. A lot of info felt so contradictory.
And then I saw Feminine Magic®. I had been in Elizabeth’s world for a while so I knew right away that her Engineering and systems background would break down the manifesting process for me step by step. I knew she’d teach manifesting in a way that would be more predictable, consistent and create real world results.
I was right.
After stepping into Feminine Magic® all areas of my life have changed dramatically in a really short time.
I got crystal clear on what I really wanted on all fronts. As a result I manifested the sale of my business, a new community of entrepreneurs to mastermind with…
then I booked out 6 months worth of clients before the new year even started.
The cool thing is, I created all this with aligned action. I don’t overworked… there isn’t all the hustling I used to do. In fact, this time things felt really easy.
Along the way, I moved into my dream apartment, hired a personal chef and finally began prioritizing health and wellness, an area I had historically ignored and taken for granted.
All of this within 90 days, plus the endless daily surprises that show up when you’re living in total alignment. I know there is so much more to come.
Katya Sarmiento
“Every other program I had been part of made it so difficult and time consuming to make money. It was years, not weeks. In the first month working with Elizabeth I signed on almost $25k in sales.”
“I’ve been able to release my non-serving money story and create the money that I want in my life. I am forever grateful to this program for igniting my fire for money and helping me create more freedom.”
“Deep personal transformation for my clients and myself. I’m now consistently making $15k-20k+ per month, working with people in deep, transformational ways, and I’m attracting more and more committed clients who are happy to invest.”
“With Elizabeth’s help, I created my first $7500 offer and sold it within the first 60 days. Since then I have gone on to create 10k, 12k and even 14k packages, all while working 4-5 half-days per week.”
“In the first two months, I brought in $19,220, still working part-time hours. I recouped my investment with ease and achieved my goal of creating my first $10K month straight away.”
“Because of the powerful mindset shift that occurred as a result of Elizabeth’s Feminine Magic® program, I have stepped more fully into my life, have grown spiritually, and am manifesting more of what I want. Elizabeth has helped me expand my business, help more people, and create life-changing programs.”
“Discovering Elizabeth’s work set me on a new path in so many ways. Her manifestation and mindset teachings, combined with her business expertise, helped me turn my vision for a spiritual business into reality. Within the first two weeks of my launch, I manifested my first client at an investment equal to what I’d made in client sessions the two years prior!
Since then I’ve continued to attract the opportunities, clients, and mentors that I’ve needed to advance on my path. I also learned the importance – and the power – of not just attracting the opportunities but following them through with decisive action. For me it was all about stepping into a new way of BE-ing and aligning with the truth of who I am and my power to create – this was HUGE.
The fact that I’ve been able to make it work for 5 years while balancing multiple priorities as a single mom is a whole lot of magic! I now have the tools to create the freedom in my life that I have been dreaming of!”

Ready to be the next 7-Figure Goddess™
Success Story?

Learn how ONE “7-Figure Offer™” can fill your $20k+ programs with perfect-for-you clients who are ready to say “yes!”