You’re In!
Collapse Time to 7-Figures Activation
With Elizabeth Purvis
We are SO excited that you’ve chosen to join us for my brand NEW transmission series…
Collapse Time to 7-Figures Activation
With Elizabeth Purvis
June 13, 14 and 15 at 10am PT/1pm ET
The Sustainable Path to HIGH Multi-Six or 7-Figures… in Record Time
Please KEEP this email as it contains all the important details.
In this series, I’ll be sharing how we take our clients from right around 6-figures (or 50k-80k year, if still at 5-figures)… to… MULTI-six ($200k-$400k)… and then HIGH-multi-six or even 7-figures, in 2 years or less.
We’ve helped over 20 clients create this result in their biz in the last few years alone.
Now, we’re laying it all out for YOU, so you have a clear path to do the same (if you choose).
A few simple action steps to take now…
First, make sure to whitelist our email addresses if you haven’t already (so you don’t miss anything):
Next, mark the following dates, call times and Zoom info on your calendar…
Monday, June 13 at 10am PT/1pm ET (Call #1):
Audience Activation: Call MORE of Your Highest Level Clients from your Current Audience (No Matter What the Size)
Tuesday, June 14 at 10am PT/1pm ET (Call #2):
Efficiency Activation: Cut Your Marketing and Sales Time in Half (10-Minute Messenger Sales, and More)
Wednesday, June 15 at 10am PT/1pm ET (Call #3):
“New Money Normal” Activation: Turn 1 Sale Into Many, Stack Your Recurring Revenue and Stabilize Your #NewMoneyNormal
Calls will be about an hour. If you know me, you KNOW I can get on a roll in transmissions! AND we know your time is valuable, so we’ll do our best to stick to time.
We encourage you to BE ON THE CALLS LIVE. I will be transmitting from my heart to yours, and while replays are great, the downloads are even more potent when LIVE. (Replays will be made available for a short time.)
ZOOM DETAILS – These will stay the same throughout the series. We highly, HIGHLY encourage you to put the call details right in your calendar, so they are close at hand at call time!
We’ll also have a private Facebook Group, where we’ll be going deeper on each of these transmissions, PLUS… having some honest conversations about the state of our industry, and what it really takes to get to high-multi-six and 7-figures as a transformational Leader.
Yes, we want this transmission series to be a DIALOGUE, not a 1-way conversation. We LOVE “the transformation space,” AND it’s clear that we are being asked to raise the bar and do things DIFFERENTLY. Our convo will NOT be a slam-fest or a gripe fest, but a look at this question…
“If we get to have it the way we want it (and we do!)… what does that look like?”
If you’re up for that – the Facebook group is the place to be!
We’re prepping the Facebook Group now and will have it for ya in a few days.
Finally, spoiler alert! Throughout the series, we’ll be making YOU an invitation to join us in the Highest Level Leader Collective (HLLC), our group of ambitious, driven-by-excellence coaches, healers, energy workers, spiritual teachers and mentors who are scaling their Highest Level Work to $500k-$1m+, using the most EFFICIENT methods possible.
WITHOUT the endless marketing grind.
WITHOUT time, money and energy leaks. (This takes practice, but is possible.)
While LEADING from the highest expression of who you BE – your Highest Level Frequency, doing what moves the needle in your marketing and sales, so you can let go of the endless driving and striving.
HLLC is a true collective of rock star Transformational Leaders who are here to be a part of the solution, to raise consciousness on the planet and usher in the next phase of our evolution.
You’ll discover more about the Leaders and the Highest Level Leader Collective during the activation series.
For now, please get the calls on the calendar, and we’ll “see” ya soon!
Love & magic,
Elizabeth and the 7-Figure Goddess® team