
The Ultimate “Creative Superpower”
If you want to manifest anything wildly awesome, in business or life... a BIG Goal, if you will... Like calling in $100k this month, scaling to 7-figures in record time, or filling your programs no matter WHAT the current global crisis is... ... then it helps to know...

Ukraine: How to Help… (And One Way To Think About Giving Help)
Like so many of you in our community… I am shocked-horrified-deeply sad-angry-ALL-the-feels over the invasion of Ukraine. I’ve also been having a lot of conversations… Convos with the team and our clients, of course. And also on Facebook. Over the weekend in a...

Inspiring Example of “Business As Usual”…
What does “business as usual” need to look like… for YOU? What do you REQUIRE? It’s a question I’ve been asking our Highest Level Leaders lately. One of them, Julie, recently made a declaration to her community. (By way of a Facebook post.) She recently moved to...

A Transformational Leader’s Secret Fear (New LIVE)
When we work with transformational leaders, one of the things they most resist is something I call “The GRIND.” What is the GRIND? It’s putting a TON of effort and energy into something… only to have it NOT produce the desired results. For example… Spending hours...

Key Decision If You Want to Scale… (Not What You Think)
If you want to scale to 50k or 100k months…. …. there is a KEY decision that you need to make first! Actually, two decisions. The first decision, of course, is that you’re going to SCALE in the first place. After all, you don’t HAVE to grow your business to...

High PROFIT… without the HUSTLE… (is it possible?)
""We’ve been getting a lot of questions on this… HOW, precisely, do we help transformational leaders – coaches, energy workers, lightworkers, alternative healers, spiritual teachers and so on – create low-overhead businesses, that generate $500k-$1m, with most of...

Where Are You Choosing Independence?
Happy Fourth of July weekend, if you’re here in the States! And a happy, connected, creative, restful, blissful day to you, wherever you are… Independence Day marks the day that our statement of autonomy from British rule – the Declaration of Independence – was...

Help Us Help 1000+ Transformational Leaders (We’re Hiring – 2 Positions)
Years ago, I had a heart-stop moment, in the middle of Prospect Park, Brooklyn. The Goddess showed up, and flat-out changed the trajectory of my life… “You are to be a part of the movement to bring magic to the mainstream.” Since then, everything I’ve done in...

The Money Is Always There…
Getting back to our discussion of the Laws... If you’ve been in our Hot Offers Masterclass, you may remember a story that I like to tell, about a blind man and a copywriter. A blind man is begging on a busy street corner in the big city. His sign says, “I’m blind. ...

This Is How You Let Go Of The Hustle…
Don’t know about you? I love trains. Living in New York City, in my 20’s and early 30’s… I got around on the subway. Clinton Street in Brooklyn up to my first serious boyfriend’s apartment on West 82nd. Court Street to 8th Street, for grad school at NYU. Atlantic...

Learn how ONE “7-Figure Offer™” can fill your $20k+ programs with perfect-for-you clients who are ready to say “yes!”